Study Project: Economic Valuation of Water Management Options under Climate Change (SoSe 2024)
May 2024 – September 2024
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Jesko Hirschfeld, Gastprofessur für Umweltökonomie.
Resource Economics Group,
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
Number of students: 15 – 20
Course Software Access
SurveyEngine is providing course licenses for conducting online choice experiments to students of the Economic Valuation of Water Management Options under Climate Change (SoSe 2024). SurveyEngine software access, required for the course above, is provided free for enrolled students. By registering you agree to the platform usage terms below.
- For non-commercial education only
- Enrolled students only
- Single seat
- Maximum of 100 respondents per survey
- Support only via via forum at
- Personal data provided will be protected according to the provisions of the GDPR and will not be sold or transferred to a third party.
Course Description
Climate Change is posing severe problems on the water resources in the Berlin-Brandenburg region. Low precipitation, high evapotranspiration and increasing water demands by households and industry are resulting in falling water levels in lakes, rivers and groundwater in Berlin and Brandenburg. Extreme rainfall events on the other hand do not compensate for these water shortages, but are causing additional problems of extreme runoff, flooding and pollution.
This study project will examine the options of sustainable water management in the Berlin-Brandenburg region in the light of climate change with a focus on the Spreewald region. We will analyze possible management options that try to stabilize the Berlin-Brandenburg water system from an economic point of view in the Spree river catchment area, focus: Spreewald region. We will quantify and monetarize water related ecosystem services using cost-based and preference-based approaches.
You will learn to set up an environmentally extended cost-benefit analysis and become familiar with different economic valuation methods by applying them to an urgent real world problem on your doorstep. Our work will be carried out in cooperation with the ongoing interdisciplinary research project Climate and Water under Change ( and will comprise also field work in the Spreewald region.