SurveyEngine Blog
Articles by SurveyEngine people on Business, the Industry, helpful advice and occasional life lessons.
- Value Sets: Breathing New Life into Old Data Using Choice Modelingby Carol Iskiwitch, Ph.D.Are patients willing to sacrifice more pain for improved mobility? A definitive answer to this question could have powerful policy implications, but until recently, an answer has been elusive. Even if you don’t work in health, …
Value Sets: Breathing New Life into Old Data Using Choice Modeling Read More »
- The Science of Attention Checksby Carol Iskiwitch, Ph.D.Best Practices for Design and Implementation April 23, 2024 If you are designing a survey study, chances are that you are interested in the true thoughts of real people. Bots and other malicious actors need not …
- SurveyEngine November Newsletterby administratorCourse by Michel Bierlaire / Moshe Ben-Akiva: Predicting Individual Behavior and Market Demand February 11-15, 2024; EPFL, Lausanne, SwitzerlandEarly registration deadline February 2, 2024: Moshe Ben-Akiva (MIT) and Michel Bierlaire (EPFL) will be running a course ondiscrete choice …
- AI is amazing, but its not Scienceby Ben WhiteFollowing the release of new software for behavioural modelling, well meaning friends have commented ‘so its basically machine learning’ right? I felt like a tarty reply “we do proper behavioural modelling and use it to develop …
- Ngene™ Released in SurveyEngine 4.4by Ben WhiteSurveyEngine 4.4 is now live. This release includes a point-and-click Ngene™ experiment design generator, the reslut of one year’s intensive collaboration with Michiel, John, Andrew and David of ChoiceMetrics. Professors David Hensher and Michel Bliemer jumped …
- How to Build a Surveyby Ben WhiteHow to build a survey, avoid the pitfalls make sure you dont miss often overlooked steps and get it into field like the professionals. If you just want to know the buttons to press, watch the …
- Kobe Choice Modelling Conferenceby administratorSurveyEngine Directors Ben White and Ludwig Butler will be attending the 2019 International Choice Modelling Conference in Kobe next week.
- Stated Choice Survey Designby administratorA collection of design resources from the Intensive Experiment Design Course presented by Michiel Bliemer. Thanks to everyone who came. It was a great success!