Health Research Case Studies
Read about all the ways we have helped our clients in important health related research in the following Case studies:
- Understanding Preferences for Cancer-Specific Health-Related Quality of Life
- Understanding Public Preferences for Allocating Ventilators in an Intensive Care Unit
- Defining Utility Values for Patients with Tardive Dyskinesia
- Understanding Preferences for Rheumatoid Arthritis Prevention
- Vignette Study Informs Clinician Decision Patterns

Health Preference Research Methods
SurveyEngine is regarded as a pioneer in Health Preference Research, running the first discrete choice health preference studies online. Aided by our experienced team and purpose-built software we run:
- Discrete Choice Experiments
- Conjoint Experiments
- ePROs
- Best-Worst Scaling Types I, II, III
- Threshold Techniques
- Time Trade-Off (TTO)
- Visual Analogue Scale (VAS)
- Swing Weighting
- Standard Gamble
- Vignettes
Global Patient Recruitment and Fieldwork Management
Independent quality control and freedom of conflict of interest with a proprietary panels means quality is assured. We source and manage:
- Global representative general population sample
- Hard to reach target groups
- Healthcare professionals
- Patient groups
- Business decision makers / B2B
In the following modes:
- Online access panels
- Probability based online panels
- CATI and mailings
- Mixed-mode recruitment (e.g. mail, online and CATI)

Online Qualitative Studies
SurveyEngine has extensive experience setting up and managing qualitative modes of data collection.
- Bulletin Boards
- Online Focus Groups
- One-on-one interviews (TDI)

Patient Diary Apps
SurveyEngine provides full technical development of mobile apps to conduct diary studies for research, such as headache reporting with automated timed followup questions following incidents.
We also manage the compliance and provisioning on the Apple and Android stores.

Compliance with International Data Collection Regulations
To assist in compliance with local cross border data protection laws and regulations such as the GDPR and the US Patriot act, SurveyEngine hosts data collection servers in 35 regions.
Arrange a free project consultation
One of our specialists will be glad to discuss your project aims and requirements