Academic Papers
Below are a selection of academic papers where SurveyEngine was a key contributor or provided fieldwork management and technology.
Rangi P, Marra C, Scahill S, Anwar M. Impact of Promotional Videos on Public Perception of Pharmacy Services. Journal of Pharmacy Practice. 2024;37(3):712-721. doi:10.1177/08971900231177201.
Shiroiwa, Takeru & King, Madeleine & Norman, Richard & Müller, Fabiola & Campbell, R. & Kemmler, G. & Murata, T. & Shimozuma, Kojiro & Fukuda, T.(2024). Japanese value set for the EORTC QLU-C10D: A multi-attribute utility instrument based on the EORTC QLQ-C30 cancer-specific quality-of-life questionnaire. Quality of Life Research. 1-15. DOI: 10.1007/s11136-024-03655-7.
Anders, Sven & Meyerhoff, Jürgen & Liebe, Ulf. (2023). Cross-border CO2 Transport Decreases Public Support for Carbon Capture and Storage. DOI: 10.21203/
King, Madeleine & Revicki, D & Norman, Richard & Müller, Fabiola & Viney, R & Pickard, A & Cella, D & Shaw, J. (2023). United States Value Set for the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-General Eight Dimensions (FACT-8D), a Cancer-Specific Preference-Based Quality of Life Instrument. PharmacoEconomics – open. 8. DOI: 10.1007/s41669-023-00448-5.
Terheyden, Jan Henrik & Fink, David & Mercieca, Karl & Wintergerst, Maximilian & Holz, Frank & Finger, Robert. (2024). Knowledge about age-related eye diseases in the general population in Germany. BMC Public Health. 24. DOI: 10.1186/s12889-024-17889-0.
Vass, Caroline & Boeri, Marco & Shields, Gemma & Seo, Jaein. (2024). Making Use of Technology to Improve Stated Preference Studies. The patient. DOI: 10.1007/s40271-024-00693-8.
Lehmann, Jens & Rojas-Concha, Leslye & Petersen, Morten & Holzner, Bernhard & Norman, Richard & King, Madeleine & Kemmler, Georg. (2024). Danish value sets for the EORTC QLU-C10D utility instrument. Quality of Life Research. 33. 1-11. DOI: 10.1007/s11136-023-03569-w.
Kenny, Patricia & Street, Deborah & Hall, Jane & Agar, Meera & Phillips, Jane. (2024). Community Preferences for the Care of Older People at the End of Life: How Important is the Disease Context?. The Patient – Patient-Centered Outcomes Research. DOI: 10.1007/s40271-024-00675-w.
Rowen, Donna & Carlton, Jill & Terheyden, Jan & Finger, Robert & Wickramasekera, Nyantara. (2024). Development and valuation of a preference-weighted measure in Age-Related Macular Degeneration from the Vision Impairment in Low Luminance (VILL) questionnaire – A MACUSTAR report. Value in health : the journal of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research. 27. DOI: 10.1016/j.jval.2024.02.001.
Thai, Thao & Lancsar, Emily & Spinks, Jean & Freeman, Christopher & Chen, Gang. (2024). Understanding Australian pharmacy degree holders’ job preferences through the lens of motivation-hygiene theory. Social Science & Medicine. 348. 116832. DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2024.116832.
Martin, S., Angolini, E., Audi, J., Bertini, D. E., Bruno, L. P., Coulter, J., Ferlini, A., Fortunato, F., Frankova, V., Garnier, N., Grauman, Å., Gross, E., Hauber, B., Hansson, M., Kirschner, J., Knieling, F., Kyosovksa, G., Ottombrino, S., Novelli, A., Raming, R., … Veldwijk, J. (2024). Patient preferences in genetic newborn screening for rare diseases: study protocol. BMJ open, 14(4), e081835.
Yin, Hao & Cherchi, Elisabetta. (2022). Willingness to pay for automated taxis: a stated choice experiment to measure the impact of in-vehicle features and customer reviews. Transportation. 51. DOI: 10.1007/s11116-022-10319-3.
Frith, Madison & Boyd, James & Savira, Feby & Senyel, Deniz & Norman, Richard & Jones, Janelle & Robinson, Suzanne. (2024). Investigating consumer preferences and experiences of telehealth services in Australian allied health practice: a study protocol. BMJ Open. 14. e082577. DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-082577.
Zia, Yasaman & Upadhyay, Ushma & Rhew, Isaac & Kimanthi, Syovata & Ouma, Dismas & Onono, Maricianah & Barnabas, Ruanne & Mugo, Nelly & Bukusi, Elizabeth & Harrington, Elizabeth. (2024). Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Validation of the Sexual and Reproductive Empowerment Scale for Adolescents and Young Adults in Kenya. Studies in family planning. DOI: 10.1111/sifp.12263.
Juhnke, Christin & Mühlbacher, Axel. (2023). PCR111 Which Body Functions and Activities Matter for Stroke Patients? Study Protocol for Best–Worst Scalings to Value Core Elements of the ICF. Value in Health. 26. S470. DOI: 10.1016/j.jval.2023.09.2550.
Filsinger, M. (2023). Perceived Exclusionary Disadvantages and Populist Attitudes: Evidence from Comparative and Longitudinal Survey Data in Six European Countries. Political Research Quarterly, 76(3), 1043-1057.
Hofstetter, Nathalie. (2022). Personality and national identity: How the Big Five relate to civic and ethnic conceptions of nationhood. Nations and Nationalism. 29. DOI: 10.1111/nana.12924.
Merk, Christine, Andersen, Gisle and Tvinnereim, Endre (2023) Report on public perceptions in cross-country survey. Open Access . OceanNets Deliverable, D3.5 . OceanNETs, Kiel, Germany, 34 pp. DOI: 10.3289/oceannets_d3.5.
Mohammad, Abdul-Hamid. (2023).The Nexus of Public Perceptions of Contemporary Energy Technologies in the Face of Climate Change.
Mohammed, Abdul-Hamid; Anders, Sven; Lokuge, Nimanthika; (2023).Public Perceptions and Acceptance of Carbon Capture and Storage
for Greenhouse Gas Mitigation: A Random Effects Model.
Yin, Hao; (2023). Investigating Determinants in the Acceptance of Automated Taxis: Evidence from Online Screen-based and Virtual Reality-based Stated Choice Experiments. Newcastle University.
Erhardt, Julian (2023). The political-psychological foundations of support for the regime and its institutions. (Thesis). Universität Bern, Bern.
Peltoniemi, Mikko; Huttunen, Suvi; Hyyrynen, Matti; Similä, Jukka; Halonen, Kirsi-Maria; Haltia, Emmi; Leppänen, Jussi; Pohjola, Johanna; Tikkanen, Veli-Matti; Arola, Terhi; Assmuth, Aino; Autto, Hilja; Lehto, Tarja; Lonkila, Annika; Pitzén, Samuli; Uusivuori, Jussi; Vesala, Juha; Viitala, Esa-Jussi; Lintunen, Jussi (2023). Hiilinieluja ja ilmastohyötyjä hallituin riskein : Metsäsektorin ohjauskeinojen monitieteinen analyysi. Research on natural resources and bioeconomy. 164 p.
DiSantostefano RL, Simons G, Englbrecht M, et al. Can the General Public Be a Proxy for an “At-Risk” Group in a Patient Preference Study? A Disease Prevention Example in Rheumatoid Arthritis. Medical Decision Making. 2024;44(2):189-202. doi:10.1177/0272989X231218265.
Moritz Bergfeld, Denise Obersteller, Do Minh Nguyen, John E. Anderson, Claudia Nobis.Real-world insights into user acceptance of e-fuels for passenger vehicles in Germany.Transportation Research Procedia,Volume 72.2023.Pages 1303-1310,ISSN 2352-1465.
Weißmann, Regina & Grimmel-Bruhns, Annette & Busacker, Corinna & Loth, Fanny. (2023). Enhancing Early Risk Detection for Reduced Earning Capacity: The Development of the padaCura App. Social Sciences. 13. 1. DOI: 10.3390/socsci13010001.
Alten R, Nieto-Gonzalez JC, Jacques P, et al. What benefit–risk trade-offs are acceptable to rheumatoid arthritis patients during treatment selection? Evidence from a multi country choice experiment RMD Open 2024;10:e003311. doi: 10.1136/rmdopen-2023-003311.
Harmer, V; Ammendolea, C; Ryan, M; Boyle, F; Werutsky, G; El Mouzain, D; Marshall, D; Thomas, C; Heidenreich, S; Lu, H. (2024). A Multicountry Discrete Choice Experiment (DCE) to Understand Patients’ Preferences for HR+/HER2? Early Breast Cancer (EBC) Treatments. European Journal of Cancer, 200.
J. P. Gisbert, S. Schreiber, C. A. Siegel, F. Magro, A. Jus, C. Whichello, C. Michaels-Igbokwe, S. Heidenreich, A. Oortwijn, S. Vermeire. P551 Benefit–risk trade-offs and patient preferences for therapy selection in Ulcerative Colitis: a multi-country preference study. Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis, Volume 18, Issue Supplement_1, January 2024, Pages i1084–i1086,
Gelsey, F.T., Schapiro, D., Kosa, K. et al. Perspectives and Preferences of People with Type 2 Diabetes for the Attributes of Weekly Insulin. Diabetes Ther 15, 2367–2379 (2024).
Gething, K., Erku, D., & Scuffham, P. (2024). DCE attribute development investigating public policy for the provision of medicinal cannabis. Journal of medical economics, 27(1), 1232–1244.
Filsinger, M., & Freitag, M. (2024). Asymmetric affective polarization regarding COVID-19 vaccination in six European countries. Scientific reports, 14(1), 15919.
Jansen, A. J. G., McDonald, V., Newland, A., Morgan, M., Bastiaanse, M., Wilson, K., Eriksson, D., Geldman, E., Daykin-Pont, O., Prince, S. & Zwaginga, J. J. (2023). Patient preferences and experiences regarding thrombopoietin-receptor agonists for immune thrombocytopenia in The Netherlands (TRAPeze Netherlands study), Hematology, 28:1, DOI: 10.1080/16078454.2023.2267942.
Lucchesi, A., Lovrencic, B., McDonald, V., Newland, A., Morgan, M., Eriksson, D., Wilson, K., Giordano, G., Carli, G., Geldman, E., Daykin-Pont, O., Prince, S. & Napolitano, M. (2023). Treatment preferences towards thrombopoietin-receptor agonists for immune thrombocytopenia and experience of disease (TRAPeze): Italy cohort, Hematology, 28:1, DOI: 10.1080/16078454. 2023.2253069.
Lehmann, J., Pilz, M. J., Holzner, B. et al. General population normative data from seven European countries for the K10 and K6 scales for psychological distress, 20 April 2023, PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square.[]
Hettiarachchi, R. M., Kularatna, S., Byrnes, J., Mulhern, B., Chen, G., Scuffham, P. A. Valuing the Dental Caries Utility Index in Australia. Medical Decision Making. 2023;43(7-8):901-913. doi:10.1177/0272989X231197149
Barthold, D., Saldarriaga, E. M., Brah, A. T., Hauber, B., Banerjee, P., Fuller, S. M.; McCaslin, D., Moldoveanu, A. M., Marconi, V. C., Simoni, J. M., Graham, S. M. Preference for daily oral pills over long-acting antiretroviral therapy options among people with HIV. AIDS 37(10):p 1545-1553, August 1, 2023. | DOI: 10.1097/QAD.0000000000003620
Yin, H., Cherchi, E., & Nettle, D. 2023. Living in a City Where Automated Taxis are Operating and Using Them: Does This Affect Consumers’ Preferences? Transportation Research Record, 0(0).
Savira, F., Robinson, S., Toll, K., Spark, L., Thomas, E., Nesbitt, J., et al. 2023. Consumer preferences for telehealth in Australia: A discrete choice experiment. PLoS ONE 18(3): e0283821.
Campolong, K. 2023. References of Coastal Resilient Design Interventions to Protect Residential Landscapes Against Coastal Hazards. A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of The University of Georgia in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree.
Xu, R. H., Wong, E. L., Luo, N., Norman, R., Lehmann, J., Holzner, B., King, M. T., Kemmler, G. 2023. The EORTC QLU‑C10D: The Hong Kong Valuation Study. The European Journal of Health Economics. · September 2023
Fuat, A., Ako, E., Hargroves, D., Holden, D., Caleyachetty, A., Carter, M., Harris, J., Roberts, C., Nzeakor, N., Vardar B., Williams. H. 2023. Inappropriate dosing of direct oral anticoagulants: findings from a clinical vignette study and physician survey. Journal of Market Access & Health Policy, 11:1, DOI: 10.1080/20016689.2023.2267327
Alten, R., Nieto González, J. C., Jacques, P. et al, 2023. What Trade-Offs are Acceptable to Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients During Treatment Selection? Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2023. 83. 571-572.
Simons, G., Veldwijk, J., DiSantostefano, R. L., Englbrecht, M., Radawski, C., Bywall, K. S., Méndez, L. V., Hauber, B., Raza, K., Falahee, M. Preferences for preventive treatments for rheumatoid arthritis: discrete choice survey in the UK, Germany and Romania, Rheumatology, Volume 62, Issue 2, February 2023, Pages 596–605,
EFTEC. 2023. Water Resources South East (WRSE). Customer Research Regional Plan Preferences Thames Water Summary Report
Solvi Hoen, F., Díez-Gutiérrez, M., Babri, S. et al. Charging electric vehicles on long trips and the willingness to pay to reduce waiting for charging. Stated preference survey in Norway, 2023. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 175. 103774. ISSN 0965-8564.
Benson, J., Wolfson, D., van den Broek-Altenburg, E. Tradeoffs in Triage of Motor Vehicle Trauma by Rural 911 Emergency Medical Services Practitioners Medical Decision Making. 2023;43(3):311-324. doi:10.1177/0272989X221145677
Thai, T., Bliemer, M., Chen, G., Spinks, J., de New, S., & Lancsar, E. (2023). Comparison of a full and partial choice set design in a labeled discrete choice experiment. Health Economics, 1–XXX.
De Jong, L., Schmidt, T., Carstens, A. K. et al. The impact of different care dependencies on people’s willingness to provide informal care: a discrete choice experiment in Germany. Health Econ Rev 13, 35 (2023).
Erhardt, J. (2023). The democratic personality? The big five, authoritarianism and regime preference in consolidated democracies.Politics, 0(0).
Erhardt, J., Freitag, M. & Filsinger, M. (2023) Leaving democracy? Pandemic threat, emotional accounts and regime support in comparative perspective, West European Politics, 46:3, 477-499, DOI: 10.1080/01402382.2022.2097409
Wang, B., Waygood, E. O. D., Xun, J., Naseri, H., Loiselle, A. L., Daziano, R. A., Patterson, Z. & Feinberg, M. (2023). How to effectively communicate about greenhouse gas emissions with different populations. Environmental Science & Policy. 147. 29-43. 10.1016/j.envsci.2023.05.015.
Jiang, R., Pullenayegum, E., Shaw, J. W., et al. Comparison of Preferences and Data Quality between Discrete Choice Experiments Conducted in Online and Face-to-Face Respondents. Medical Decision Making. 2023;43(6):667-679. doi:10.1177/0272989X231171912
Pan S. W., Fairley, C. K., Chow, E. P. F., Zhang, Y., Tieosapjaroen, W., Lee, D. & Ong, J. J. (2023) Supernatural beliefs, religious affiliations, and HIV testing among recently arrived Asian-born men who have sex with men in Australia, AIDS Care, 35:9, 1285-1290, DOI: 10.1080/09540121.2023.2179012
Ung, M., Martin, S., Terris-Prestholt, F., Quaife, M., Tieosapjaroen, W., Phillips, T., Lee, D., Chow, E. P.F., Medland, N., Bavinton, B. R., Pan, S.W., Mao, L., Ong, J. J. Preferences for HIV prevention strategies among newly arrived Asian-born men who have sex with men living in Australia: A discrete choice experiment. Front Public Health. 2023 Mar 13;11:1018983. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1018983.
Smith, I.P., Whichello, C.L., de Bekker-Grob, E.W. et al. The Impact of Video-Based Educational Materials with Voiceovers on Preferences for Glucose Monitoring Technology in Patients with Diabetes: A Randomised Study. Patient 16, 223–237 (2023).
Smith, I. P., Whichello, C. L., Veldwijk, J., et al. Diabetes patient preferences for glucose-monitoring technologies: results from a discrete choice experiment in Poland and the Netherlands. BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care 2023;11:e003025. doi: 10.1136/bmjdrc-2022-003025
Rangi, P., Marra, C., Scahill, S., Anwar, M. Impact of Promotional Videos on Public Perception of Pharmacy Services. Journal of Pharmacy Practice. 2023;0(0). doi:10.1177/08971900231177201
Veldwijk, J., DiSantostefano, R.L., Janssen, E. et al. Maximum Acceptable Risk Estimation Based on a Discrete Choice Experiment and a Probabilistic Threshold Technique. Patient 16, 641–653 (2023).
Norman, R., Mulhern, B., Lancsar, E. et al. 2023. The Use of a Discrete Choice Experiment Including Both Duration and Dead for the Development of an EQ-5D-5L Value Set for Australia. PharmacoEconomics (2023).
Turner, A., Wolvaardt, J., Ryan, M. Exploring doctors’ trade-offs between management, research and clinical training in the medical curriculum: a protocol for a discrete choice experiment in Southern Africa. BMJ Open 2023;13:e070836. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-070836
Whichello, C., Smith, I., Veldwijk, J., de Wit, G. A., Rutten- van Molken, M. P. M. H., de Bekker-Grob, E. W. (2023) Discrete choice experiment versus swing-weighting: A head-to-head comparison of diabetic patient preferences for glucose-monitoring devices. PLoS ONE 18(7): e0283926.
De Jong, L., Schmidt, T., Stahmeyer, J. T., Eberhard, S., Zeidler, J., Damm, K. Informelle Pflege und Berufstätigkeit: Einflussfaktoren auf die Bereitschaft [Informal care and occupation: Factors influencing the willingness to provide care]. Z Evid Fortbild Qual Gesundhwes. 2023 May;178:29-36. German. doi: 10.1016/j.zefq.2023.01.008.
Filsinger, M., Hofstetter, N., & Freitag, M. (2023). The emotional fabric of populism during a public health crisis: How anger shapes the relationship between pandemic threat and populist attitudes. European Political Science Review, 15(4), 523-541. doi:10.1017/S1755773923000036
Graham, S.M., Barthold, D., Hauber, B., Brah, A.T., Saldarriaga, E., Collier, A.C., Ho, R.J.Y., , Marconi, V.C. and Simoni, J.M. (2023), U.S. patient preferences for long-acting HIV treatment: a discrete choice experiment. J Int AIDS Soc., 26: e26099.
Freitag, M., Hofstetter, N. Pandemic personality: Emotional reactions, political and social preferences across personality traits in times of Corona. Curr Psychol 42, 17359–17373 (2023).
Manipis, K. (2023). The relationship between health and productivity: implications for health policy (Doctoral dissertation, University of Technology Sydney (Australia)).
Schulz, R., Watson, V., & Wersing, M. (2023). Teleworking and housing demand. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 103915.
Anders, S., Meyerhoff, J., Liebe, U. Cross-border CO2 Transport Decreases Public Support for Carbon Capture and Storage, 12 October 2023, PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square []
Futtrup, R. & Grunert, K. G. (2023) Does organic labelling affect restaurant choice? A study on the Danish Organic Cuisine Label, Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 23:1, 29-50, DOI: 10.1080/15022250.2023.2174180
Dvorak, F., Glenk, K., Logar, I. & Meyerhoff, J. Cognitive Models of Bayesian Anchoring in Discrete Choice Experiments (May 1, 2023). Available at SSRN: or
Cranenburgh, S. & Garrido-Valenzuela, F. (2023). Computer vision-enriched discrete choice models, with an application to residential location choice.
Essers, B., Wang, P., Stolk, E., Jonker, M. F., Evers, S., Joore, M., Dirksen, C. An investigation of age dependency in Dutch and Chinese values for EQ-5D-Y. Front Psychol. 2023 Oct 3;14:1175402. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1175402.
Fischer, A., Mühlbacher, A. C. Patient and Public Acceptance of Digital Technologies in Health Care: Protocol for a Discrete Choice Experiment. JMIR Res Protoc 2023;12:e46056 doi: 10.2196/46056
Anderson, J. E., Bergfeld, M., Nguyen, D. M. & Steck, F. (2023) Real-world charging behavior and preferences of electric vehicles users in Germany International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 17:9, 1032-1046, DOI: 10.1080/15568318.2022.2147041
Gelhorn, H. L., Osumili, B., Brown, K., Ross, M. M., Schulz, A., Fernandez, G., Boye, K. S. The Impact of Substantial Improvements in HbA1c and Weight Loss on the Medication Preferences of People with Type 2 Diabetes. Patient Prefer Adherence. 2023 Mar 22;17:793-805. doi: 10.2147/PPA.S401465.
Gelhorn, H. L., Osumili, B., Brown, K., Ross, M. M., Schulz, A., Fernandez, G. & Boye, K. S. (2023) The Impact of Substantial Improvements in HbA1c and Weight Loss on the Medication Preferences of People with Type 2 Diabetes, Patient Preference and Adherence, 17:, 793-805, DOI: 10.2147/PPA.S401465
Alten, R., Nieto González, J. C., Jacques, P., et al. POS0600-HPR What trade-offs are acceptable to rheumatoid arthritis patients during treatment selection? Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2023;82:571-572.
Poulos, C., Xu, Y., Botha, W., Leach, C., Wrobleski, K. K., Gordon, K., Missmer, S. A., & Estes, S. J. (2023) A discrete-choice experiment study of physicians’ prioritization of attributes of medical treatments for endometriosis-associated pain, Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research, 23:1, 111-121, DOI: 10.1080/14737167.2023.2152006
King, M.T., Revicki, D.A., Norman, R. et al. 2023. United States Value Set for the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-General Eight Dimensions (FACT-8D), a Cancer-Specific Preference-Based Quality of Life Instrument. PharmacoEconomics Open (2023).
Louis, E., Siegel, C. A., James, B., Heidenreich, S., Krucien, N., Ghosh, S. 2022 Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease Have Heterogeneous Treatment Preferences That Are Largely Determined by the Avoidance of Abdominal Pain and Side Effects [P-POWER IBD Study], Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis, jjac130,
Barthold, D., Brah, A. T., Graham, S.M. et al. 2022. Improvements to Survey Design from Pilot Testing a Discrete-Choice Experiment of the Preferences of Persons Living with HIV for Long-Acting Antiretroviral Therapies. Patient 15, 513–520 (2022).
Raghunandan, R., Howard, K., Marra, C. A. et al. 2022. Identifying New Zealand Public Preferences for Pharmacist Prescribers in Primary Care: A Discrete Choice Experiment. Patient 15, 77–92 (2022).
Grunert, K. G., Futtrup, R. (2022) Does Organic Labelling Affect Restaurant Choice? A Study on the Danish Organic Cuisine Label. Annual Meeting, July 31-August 2, Anaheim, California from Agricultural and Applied Economics Association
Seo, J., Heidenreich, S., Aldalooj, E. et al. 2022. Patients’ Preferences for Connected Insulin Pens: A Discrete Choice Experiment Among Patients with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes. Patient.
Merkert, R., Bliemer, M., M. Fayyaz. 2022 Consumer preferences for innovative and traditional last-mile parcel delivery. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 2022.
Vass, C., Boeri, M., Karim, S., Marshall, D., Craig, B., Ho, K. A., Mott, D., Ngorsuraches, S., Badawy, S. M., Mühlbacher, A., Gonzalez, J. M., Heidenreich, S., Accounting for Preference Heterogeneity in Discrete-Choice Experiments: An ISPOR Special Interest Group Report. ISPOR REPORT volume 25, issue5, P685-694, MAY 01, 2022
Rowen, D., Powell, P. A., Hole, R. A., Aragon, M. J., Castelli, A., Jacobs, R. 2022. Valuing quality in mental healthcare: A discrete choice experiment eliciting preferences from mental healthcare service users, mental healthcare professionals and the general population. Social Science & Medicine, Volume 301, 2022, 114885, ISSN 0277-9536.
Mitchell, B. D., Rentz, A. M., Kummer, S., Yan, Y., Heidenreich, S., Krucien, N., Artime, E., Osumili, B., Rubio, M., & Gelhorn, H. L. 2022. People With Diabetes and Caregivers Prefer Rescue Glucagon Treatment With a Wider Storage Temperature Range and a Nasal Administration When Efficacy is Similar: A Discrete Choice Experiment in Spain. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology.
Rowen, D., Wickramasekera, N., Hole, A. R., Keetharuth, A., Wailoo, A. 2022. A Discrete Choice Experiment to Elicit General Population Preferences Around the Factors Influencing the Choice to Make Clinical Negligence Claims. Value in Health, April 05, 2022.
Wells, I., Simons, G., Stack, R., Mallen, C., Nightingale. P., Raza. K., Falahee. J. 2022. OP0264-HPR Perspectives on Approaches to Predict the Development of Rheumatoid Arthititis: A Quantitative Assessment of Patients and Their First Degree Relatives. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2020;79:165-166.
McLeodac, C., Woodde, J., Mulrennanef, S., Moreye, S., Schultz, A., Messera, M., Spaapen, K., Wui, Y., Mascaro, S., Smyth, A. J., Blyth, C. C., Webb, S., Snelling, T. S., Norman, R. 2022. Preferred health outcome states following treatment for pulmonary exacerbations of cystic fibrosis. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, 2022.
Rogers, H. J., Sagebiel, J., Marshman, Z., Rodd, H. D., Rowen, D. 2022. Adolescent valuation of CARIES-QC-U: a child-centred preference-based measure of dental caries. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2022 Feb 3; 20(1):18. doi: 10.1186/s12955-022-01918-w.
Heidenreich, S., Seo, J., Aldalooj, E., Poon, J.L., Spaepen, E., Eby, E. & Newson, R. – January 2022 POSB372 Patients’ Preferences for Connected Insulin Pens: A Discrete Choice Experiment Among Diabetes Patients in the UK and US
Ayyagari, R., Goldschmidt, D., Zhou, M., Ribalov, R., Caroff, S. N. & Leo, S. 2022 Defining utility values for patients with tardive dyskinesia.
AlHarbi, O., Farsakh, N. A., Al-Awadhi, A., Al-Taweel, T., Mikhail, I., Batwa, F., Bedran, K., Balkan, D., Cappelleri, J. C., Boeri, M., Habjoka, S., Mosli, M. 2022. Patient preferences for ulcerative colitis treatment in the middle east region: results from a discrete-choice experiment. Poster presented at the 2022 Digestive Disease Week; May 21, 2022. San Diego, CA.
Barbati, M. et. al, 2022. Socio-economic outcomes among long-term childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia survivors enrolled between 1971 and 1998 in EORTC CLG studies: Results of the 58LAE study. Special Issue: Themed section on Integrated Palliative Cancer Care. Volume31, Issue6
Sachera, P., Meyerhoff, J., Mayer, M. 2022. Evidence of the association between deadwood and forest recreational site choices. Forest Policy and Economics
Volume 135, February 2022, 102638
Mercieca-Bebber, R., Campbell, R., Fullerton, D.J. et al. 2022. Health-related quality of life of Australians during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic: a comparison with pre-pandemic data and factors associated with poor outcomes. Qual Life Res (2022).
Yin, H., Cherchi, E. 2022. Willingness to pay for automated taxis: a stated choice experiment to measure the impact of in-vehicle features and customer reviews. Transportation (2022).
Ji, X., Waygood, E. O. D., Wang, B., Naseri, H., Loiselle, A., Daziano, R., Patterson, Z., Feinberg, M., Exploring the Effects of New Framing Techniques for Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Available at SSRN: or
Van Til, J., Warta, S., Spentzouris, G., Lamparter, M., Groothuis-Oudshoorn, K., von Birgelen, C. Physician Preferences in Prescribing Oral Anticoagulation Therapy in Elderly Non-Valvular Atrial Fibrillation Patients with Comorbidities: A Clinical Vignette Study. Value in Health. 2022. DOI:
Raghunandan, R., Howard, K., Marra, C.A. et al. 2021. Identifying Community Pharmacist Preferences For Prescribing Services in Primary Care in New Zealand: A Discrete Choice Experiment. Appl Health Econ Health Policy 19, 253–266 (2021).
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