Behavioural Modelling - Online Course - Bliemer and Hess - November 2021 - SurveyEngine GmbH

Behavioural Modelling – Online Course – Bliemer and Hess – November 2021

Course Overview Autumn 2021


Prof. Michiel Bliemer

Michiel Bliemer is a leading expert in stated choice experiments and surveys, who has made significant methodological contributions in this area and has been involved in the design of numerous choice experiments around the world. He is Professor of Transport Planning and Modelling at the University of Sydney and an External Affiliate at the Choice Modelling Centre in Leeds and the Erasmus Choice Modelling Centre in Rotterdam. He is a developer of Ngene, a software tool used in more than 50 countries for generating designs for choice experiments.

Prof. Stephane Hess

Stephane Hess is an internationally recognised expert in choice modelling, who has made numerous contributions to both theory and practice in the field. He holds academic positions at a number of leading institutions, namely as Professor of Choice Modelling at the University of Leeds, Honorary Professor in Choice Modelling at the University of Sydney, and Honorary Professor of Modelling Behaviour in Africa at the University of Cape Town. He is a developer of Apollo, a widely used R package for the estimation of advanced choice modelling


This online course, hosted by SurveyEngine, will present a profound overview of choice modelling and survey design in theory and practice. The event is co-taught by two renowned experts in the field of Choice Modelling; Prof Michiel Bliemer, an expert in stated choice surveys and the co-founder of Ngene, and Prof Stephane Hess who specialises in advanced discrete choice models for the analysis of travel behaviour.

What You Will Learn

The 3 week online course consists of 9 modules covering a range of topics including discrete choice models, experimental design essentials and other extensions to choice modelling. Each module includes practical examples and case studies illustrating how these techniques can be applied to solve real world problems with online instructions by the speakers and allowing time for Q&A. Digital copies of all slides will be shared, as well as access to recorded instruction videos for up to one month after the end of the course.

Suggested Prerequisites

This course will benefit economic researchers in both the academic and professional sectors, both experienced in choice modelling and those new to this research technique. Delegates will gain a solid knowledge of survey design basics, as well as advanced stated choice surveys and modelling. While no specific background is required, participants are strongly encouraged to attend Modules 1 & 2 as a refresher to make sure that they have all required prior knowledge for the other modules.


This is an intensive 3-week online course that includes 9 modules. Each week on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday three modules will be covered. The course will start on 02.11.2021 and end on 18.11.2021.


Module 1Tuesday 2 November 2021Introduction to discrete choice models, Stephane Hess
Module 2Wednesday 3 November 2021Model specification, estimation and interpretation/use of results, Stephane Hess
Module 3Thursday 4 November 2021Introduction to Stated Choice Experiments, Michiel Bliemer
Module 4Tuesday 9 November 2021Heterogeneity Across Decision Makers, Stephane Hess
Module 5Wednesday 10 November 2021Experimental Design Essentials, Michiel Bliemer
Module 6Thursday 11 November 2021Alternative Model and Data Structures, Stephane Hess
Module 7Tuesday 16 November 2021Advanced Experimental Design, Michiel Bliemer
Module 8Wednesday 17 November 2021Advanced Specifications / Considerations, Stephane Hess
Module 9Thursday, 18 November 2021Demonstration in Ngene, Michiel Bliemer

Suggested Prerequisites

This course will benefit economic researchers in both the academic and professional sectors, both experienced in choice modelling and those new to this research technique. Delegates will gain a solid knowledge of survey design basics, as well as advanced stated choice surveys and modelling. While no specific background is required, participants are strongly encouraged to attend Modules 1 & 2 as a refresher to make sure that they have all required prior knowledge for the other modules.

Course Details

General set up3 week online course with 3 units per week
Course date2 November 2021 – 18 November 2021 (Tuesdays to Thursdays)
Unit length3.5 hours per unit including breaks
Course times (Berlin time)09:00 am to 12:30 pm CEST — Central European Summer Time (Berlin)
Course times (UK time)08:00 am to 11:30 am
Course times (Sydney, AUS)05:00 pm to 08:30 pm
Course times (Tokyo, JP)02:00 pm to 05:30 pm
Course StructureLive-Webinar with Q&As via Zoom
Course MaterialsMaterials will be provided by the speakers
Participation requirementsReliable internet connection for video calls, desktop or laptop, web-camera, microphone, writing utensils to take notes


  • Full course: EUR 990 EUR
  • 1 – 2 modules: EUR 200 per module
  • 3 – 4 modules: EUR 150 per module
  • 5 – 6 modules: EUR 125 per module
  • 7 – 8 modules: EUR 115 per module
    All prices excl. VAT


  • Participants who complete Modules 1, 4, 6 & 7 will receive a Certificate in Discrete Choice Analysis.
  • Participants who complete Modules 2, 3, and 5 will receive a Certificate in Designing Choice Experiments.
  • Participants who complete Modules 8 & 9 will receive a Certificate in Software Tools for Choice Analysis and Experimental Design.

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