Case Studies

Case Studies

Defining Utility Values for Patients with Tardive Dyskinesia

October 2022, Results published:

SurveyEngine performed a time trade-off (TTO) study to measure health state preferences and estimate utility values from the perspective of the US general population, accounting for factors affecting quality of life.

Understanding Preferences for
Rheumatoid Arthritis Prevention

October 2022, Results published:

A major public-private consortium, commissioned SurveyEngine for a mixed-method patient preference study bring Choice Experiments and Thresholding together.

Vignette Study Informs
Clinician Decision Patterns

October 2022

A UK-based CRO used SurveyEngine to develop a vignette study aimed to better understand the prescribing of oral treatments for a heart condition.

Modelling Card Services, Rates
Fees and Market Share

December 2010

Using Choice Modelling the bank ​reconfigured cards increasing revenues estimated at $8 million.

Retail Packaging Optimisation
using Discrete Choice Modelling

July 2015

A packaging experiment for “Chocolate & Love” show that even small layout changes have an impact on choice.

Modelling Introduction of a new Coke Variant

June 2008

A successful pricing and packaging strategy was created for Coca-Cola to introduce a new variant and avoid caniibalisation of their existing range.

Modelling Magazine Choice
to Optimise Layout Elements

August 2008

A visual experiment on 200 possible layouts discoveres a ‘best layout’ 10 times better than worst.

Qualifying the Value of Biodiversity in Germany

July 2017

The BioHolz project used SurveyEngine data collection and software to support the implementation of the German National Biodiversity Strategy.

Maximising Attendance
and profitability of an Outdoor Event

August 2005

An events organiser’s hunch is confirmed and Sydney’s Bondi Beach becomes a Winter Wonderland.